
Online Membership Directory: Let the community and other Chamber members find you with this search-engine friendly business listing! It’s a free listing as a member and referrals to you and your business are made directly from there.

Member-to-Member Discounts: Get discounts from other members and offer a discount if you wish for your business.

Membership Meetings: We meet the third Wednesday of every month to discuss ongoing community news and to network.

Business After Hours: Once a quarter the membership meeting is a business after hours at a membership business. Join us for networking and conversation.

Ribbon Cuttings: We offer Ribbon Cutting ceremonies for business anniversaries, new product lines, new locations and more!

Membership E-mails: Our e-mails feature community events, news from member businesses, new members, ways to get involved, and more.

Sponsorship Opportunities: You can get your name out by sponsoring local and Chamber events, such as Hickman Hay Days and other events held throughout the year.

Social Media and Member News: As a member we can discuss your upcoming events and news in our membership e-mails as well as post on our Facebook page with over 1,500 likes. Submit your sales, promotions, upcoming events, offer member to member discounts; let us help you promote your business! Do you post on your Facebook page? We’ll often share posts from our member business on our Facebook page.

Training and Consulting: We will sometimes bring speakers into our membership meetings on various topics that can help you grow your business. Have a question about something business related? We’ll set you up with someone in our organization that can help you. Do you have an area of expertise? You can help other members learn from you.

Community Involvement: Do you want to help with the growth of the community? The Hickman Area Chamber is a great place to start!

Business Credibility: You increase the positive perception among consumers and business owners when you’re identified as a member of a Chamber of Commerce.